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Der 35-jährige Fadi A. ist dem Krieg entkommen Arzt, Christ, Syrer - neue Heimat in Stendal

27.02.2015, 15:30
epa04099671 A photo made available on 25 February 2014 shows a man carrying belongings he recovered after his home was allegedly hit by a government launched barrel bomb attack in Tariq al Bab neighborhood, Aleppo, Syria, 17 February 2014. The UN Security Council unanimously passed a resolution on 22 February demanding humanitarian access and ending violence against civilians in Syria. The draft also demands that all parties stop shelling and aerial bombardments, which lead to large numbers of civilian injuries, and specifically calls for ending the use of barrel bombs, large containers filled with explosives and shrapnel usually dropped from helicopters by the Syrian army. EPA/ALI MUSTAFA +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04099671 A photo made available on 25 February 2014 shows a man carrying belongings he recovered after his home was allegedly hit by a government launched barrel bomb attack in Tariq al Bab neighborhood, Aleppo, Syria, 17 February 2014. The UN Security Council unanimously passed a resolution on 22 February demanding humanitarian access and ending violence against civilians in Syria. The draft also demands that all parties stop shelling and aerial bombardments, which lead to large numbers of civilian injuries, and specifically calls for ending the use of barrel bombs, large containers filled with explosives and shrapnel usually dropped from helicopters by the Syrian army. EPA/ALI MUSTAFA +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ EPA

Stendal (nk). Syrien und der Krieg - für uns hier sind das Bilder und Berichte in den Medien. Für Fadi A. ist es Teil des Lebens. Der 35-Jährige ist Facharzt für Innere Medizin, hatte eine eigene Praxis und eine Heimat. Wegen des Krieges und weil er wegen seiner Religion - er gehörte dort der christlichen Minderheit an - um sein Leben fürchten musste, hat er Syrien verlassen. Und fand Arbeit am Stendaler Krankenhaus. Viel Hoffnung, eines Tages in sein Land zurückkehren zu können, hat er nicht.

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